Paediatric Dentist

Dental emergency appointment

Root Canal Treatment For Children

If the dentist has recommended your child for root canal treatment then as a parent, it is natural for you to ask, why? A myth about a root canal is that the treatment can only be performed for adults. Does this mean that children that experience decay shouldn’t go through root canal treatment? The answer is

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Decay in children

Avoid Tooth Decay In Milk Teeth

Tooth decay occurs when the enamel breaks down. All children are at risk of tooth decay and there are many contributing factors that lead to it. Children at a very young age are not in a position to fully understand decay and distinguish the good food and drink from the bad. This comes in time

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Hygienist visit children

Does Your Child Have Dental Anxiety?

It is perfectly normal for children to suffer from anxiety when they visit the paediatric dentist. For kids to do something new that isn’t natural to them is because they need continuity and routine. It also takes kids time to process into something that is new to them. Thankfully, there are many solutions to cure

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